How Do I Get Involved?
Shekinah Glory Worship Center is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team plyers. Whether you are a five-year old, an eighty year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our growing church community.
Children Church
Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers is carefully screened and thoroughly trained in children’s instruction. The youth ministry of SGWC is recognized for their close interaction.
WGM Women’s G.I.F.T Ministry
SGWC Women’s Ministry gives the ladies in our church family special times of interaction. Our women’s ministry gatherings are times of Bible study, prayer, community involvement (and, of course, food). This group provides a refreshing discipleship opportunity for the women in the church.
Men of Valor
Accountability among men is an act of integrity. The Men of Valor (brotherhood) is designed to engage, encourage, and develop men of all ages. Meetings, fellowship and Christian study help form a lasting bond among the men of SGWC.
Marriage Enrichment
Even though marriage is one of the most important institutions, it is the one which is under the most attack–internally and externally. Shekinah Glory Worship Center gives married couples the opportunity to join marriage enrichment classes ranging on topics from Marriage and Money, Getting Ready for Kids, Shepherding Children, Marriage and Sex.
Shekinah Glory Worship Center’s Singles Ministry